Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New Suburban Glossary: wishwasher

wishwasher n. -- usually a spouse, sometimes a sibling or family member, who sanitizes your wishes or desires with his or her own purposes. Your plans get cleaned up for his or her presentation. For example, he says, "I think I'll go to the movies tonight." Then she says, "What a great idea! We could go to dinner first, and invite my parents!" For another example, "His wishwasher was loaded with the death of her dreams." And yet another example: "Dude, our plan to follow Rush across the Midwest this summer just went through Cindy's wishwasher. Now both of our families are coming along with us, and we're only seeing Rush in St. Louis and Chicago while our wives take the kids to the zoo and the monuments and the giant shopping malls and basically make this trip cost ten times what it was supposed to."

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