Greatish Hits, Part Two
Red Pill or Blue Pill or new berry-flavored Purple Pill with a patented blend of truth and denial?
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 27, 2014
Tourist? Drunk driver? Brat? What a joy to discover at 1 a.m. -- the neighbor's bin smashed into my mailbox. #MYR
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 21, 2014
David Gregory's interview with Iranian foreign minister reveals the "International Community" is merely a group of Special Nations. #mtp
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 13, 2014
If you start a company you forfeit your personal convictions AND you must pay for the opposite, says @thedailybeast:
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 2, 2014
Any prescription is a governmental barrier between a woman and her health care. #anarchism #HobbyLobby
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 2, 2014
BLAME CONGRESS! "Congress...included corporations within RFRA’s definition of 'persons.'" - Justice Alito #HobbyLobby
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 1, 2014
I tell ya, caring about words and their meanings is a fast track to being politically incorrrect. Damn it.
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) June 30, 2014
Kochs & Waltons now so heinous, journalists granted permission to use ad hominem constructions against super rich. Envy v. Greed, again.
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) June 30, 2014
There's nothing like a grand old house and a perfect lawn. Too bad I'm trespassing. #MYR #ImpromptuHouseSitting
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) June 26, 2014
"A third of African-American males are still prevented from voting because of the War on Drugs." -- Rand Paul @NBCNews #mtp #tlot
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) June 22, 2014
Sometimes people cry "cuts" in funding when a planned increase in funding is stopped and often "preventing" actually means "not paying for."
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) July 1, 2014

Um, and the news is what exactly? "Sex makes people happiest, per new study" #paperli #news #sex
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) November 17, 2013
Check out the presentation on this Ketel One on the rocks with lime at Ruth's Chris in #MYR .
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) April 13, 2013
Demonize any Congressman or Senator who has served three or more terms. They are the reason we're in this mess. #CNN #DC #jackasses
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) February 23, 2013
Merkel for US Congress. She has balls. DC doesn't. RT @Reuters: Hollande may lose euro battle as Merkel holds firm
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) June 24, 2012
Having dizzy spells: On #CNN, Washington Post's Dan Balz said something I agree with. I might need to go to the ER.
— Colin Foote Burch (@cfburch4) April 15, 2012
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